Asam Kelenda @ Kerenda

Asam Kelenda @ Kerenda

I am not sure what the use of this fruit is, but one thing for sure the colour and the shape are beautiful. Found them at my auntie's house back in Jitra, Kedah.

The Author

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi eu sem ultrices, porttitor mi eu, euismod ante. Maecenas vitae velit dignissim velit rutrum gravida sit amet eget risus. Donec sit amet mollis nisi, nec commodo est.


Homemade Laksa. Marvelous!
Laksa, its a local dish which varies among states in Malaysia. We have laksa Penang/Utara, Laksa Johor and Laksa Sarawak. But, mentioning just "laksa" to the local people of Malaysia, the one in the picture above will emerge in one mind automatically. This type of laksa comes from Northern area of Malaysia.

My wife's hometown is Langkawi. And her laksa among the best laksa that I ever had. Well, I am not exaggerating, this is agreed among our family and friends too.:)

I cant really tell the ingredients as I just remember less about the items, but definitely I cant forget the taste. I will get my talented wife to share with me the ingredients and maybe, I will share them in the blog.

Maybe. :)

The Author

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi eu sem ultrices, porttitor mi eu, euismod ante. Maecenas vitae velit dignissim velit rutrum gravida sit amet eget risus. Donec sit amet mollis nisi, nec commodo est.